
漫游指南-1 的世界



  • A New Birth
  • The World of 1
    • "The World of 1" represents a world of technology and virtual reality composed of the numbers 0 and 1.
  • Roaming Guide:
    • "Roaming" represents the nature of following the Dao, without constraints, and conforming to nature. Laozi said in the "Tao Te Ching," "Therefore, always be without desire, so as to observe its subtlety; always have desire, so as to observe its manifestations." This means that by not having too many plans and desires, one can observe the true nature of things.
    • "Guide" implies the Dao, providing direction but not interfering with the process. In the "Tao Te Ching," it is said, "The Dao does nothing, yet leaves nothing undone." The Dao provides guidance without intervention.

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