
漫游指南-1 的世界


Contemplation on Life and Being Alive

First, explain two terms
Meaning of Existence - Explore the meaning of life's existence
Life Imprint - Each life has its unique imprint


First, think about a question: why live, and what is the meaning of being alive?

  1. Birth, aging, illness, and death are the four major experiences of life. We will all go through youth, experience aging and illness, and finally come to the end of life. The entire process of life is a complete individual, living allows us to grow, accumulate experiences, and end the journey of life in a complete form.


  1. Everyone has a unique worldview and aspirations. Being alive gives us time and conditions to realize ourselves, achieve our ideals, and give life a fulfilling account.
  2. From a philosophical point of view, being alive is the purpose itself, and the process of life is the meaning. As Socrates said, "An unexamined life is not worth living." We should give meaning to life through reflection and rational judgment.
  3. Taoism advocates following the natural course and revering life. When we come to this world, we should love life, cherish time, pursue inner peace and happiness. There is no need to pursue fame and fortune too much, but to follow the laws of nature.
  4. Life is short and fragile, precisely because of this, life is more precious. Being alive itself is the greatest gift of life to us. We should be grateful for the source of life, cherish time, and live in the present.
  5. Taoism believes that life is a complete process, and death is not the end, but Returning to the Origin, returning to the starting point of life. So there is no need to fear death, what matters is to live a fulfilling life.
  6. Even in suffering, it is still possible to find the meaning of life. Because suffering can temper our will and allow us to achieve inner growth. We should maintain an optimistic and open-minded attitude.

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